About : EduQuest

EduQuest by Silver Fern Education Consultants re-imagines and re-invents learning from a futuristic viewpoint. EduQuest is a meticulous initiative in the direction of bridging the skill gap in an otherwise capable young generation. Besides, EduQuest aims to give high school and university students the most uniquely meaningful opportunities for holistic development. Everything at EduQuest is circled around the notion of driving constant innovation to craft multifaceted exposure. Streamlined exposure gives students the confidence to thrive in challenging environments. EduQuest offers a broad spectrum of short courses and programs designed in conjunction with top universities worldwide. You can choose from a wide range of short term courses lasting for a day to two weeks. In an increasingly competitive and globalised world, EduQuest takes learning beyond territorial boundaries. EduQuest’s vision draws inspiration from Silver Fern Education Consultants’ motto; empowering students to become global leaders. Therefore, EduQuest empowers students through state-of-the-art short online courses and programs mentored by IVY League mentors.
Short Courses, Endured Learning!
- International Exposure
- Future Skills
- Recreation & Well-Being
- Quick Impactful Learning
- Knowledge Empowerment
- Career Exploration
- Streamlined Career Trajectories
- Exploration Of True Potential

Why Choose EduQuest?
Courses & Programs Designed By Educational Leaders
Exposure & Experiential Learning At Forefront
Global Programs Inclusive of International Trips
Courses Streamlined to Career Success
A Brief About Silver Fern Education Consultants

Silver Fern Education Consultants is a globally accredited name in overseas education consultancy. Over a course of 15 plus years, we have assisted more than 21000 students in achieving their overseas education dreams. However, there is much more to Silver Fern Education Consultants than just being an overseas education consultancy.
Silver Fern Education Consultants proudly represents 450 plus global institutions across nations. Moreover, the organization offers credible assistance in profile enhancement and scholarship applications along with reliable career counseling.
EduQuest is another extension of Silver Fern Education Consultants’ vision. Also, EduQuest advances Silver Fern Education Consultants’ commitment to mentor students in emancipating ways. EduQuest further adds to the extraordinary legacy that Silver Fern Education Consultants has built in enabling student success.
Silver Fern Education Consultants along with EduQuest is now a one stop solution for all student needs! From short-term courses promoting holistic development to university applications and beyond, students need not look any further.
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About Us
EduQuest by Silver Fern Education Consultants re-imagines and re-invents learning from a futuristic viewpoint. EduQuest is a meticulous initiative in the direction of bridging the skill gap in an otherwise capable young generation.