Terms & Conditions
Imperial’s Schools STEM-a-thon 2024 Terms and conditions:
Version 1.0
1.1 When the following words with capital letters are used in these Terms, this is what they will mean:
Application: Your application for a place on the Competition as submitted on-line via our Competition page .Competition: Imperial College’s Schools STEM-a-thon in India in respect of which you have submitted an Application. Events outside our Control are defined in Clause 8.Confirmed Place: Your/the Student’s place on the Competition in respect of which You have received a Confirmation from Us.Provisional Place Offer: Our offer of a place on the Competition for a Team which will only be provisional until You have fulfilled all the conditions of payment and documents received, and You have received a Confirmed Place notification.Student: a person intending to enter the Competition.Team: A team of three eligible students with a consenting Teacher to oversee and chaperone the under-18-year-old Students as required.Teacher: a Teacher from the school at which the Team studies full time, which will oversee the Students’ behavioural contracts are adhered to and will be responsible for the safeguarding of the Team during the Competition and at the Find Round event.Terms: the terms and conditions set out in this document.Fee: Competition Fee is 150 GBP for an eligible Team of three Students (150 GBP per Student). Fee covers entrance to the Competition, inclusion in the First Round of the Competition, and subject to successful First Round entry, entrance into the Final Round. Fee also covers meals during Final Round competition. Fee excludes accommodation and subsistence costs for Teachers and Students attending the Final Round and does not include any out-of-pocket expenses occurred for Competition-related travelling, subsistence or submission expenses.First Round: First Round is the first stage of the Competition which will be announced to all Confirmed Teams and a deadline will be given for online submissions. Final Round: The Final Round will be a two-day event held in Delhi. A Competition Challenge will be provided, and winners announced at the end of the event.Imperial College or Us: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine of Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK.You: the Student or (in the event the Student is under 18) the student’s parent or guardian named in the Application. Prizes: Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in the Final Round. In order to access the first Prize students and teacher will be responsible for additional airfares, accommodation, travel and subsistence costs outside of the Prize amount. All Prizes are non-transferable. The organizers reserve the right to change the prizes without prior notice.All Teams that submit and eligible first round project will receive a digital certificate of participation from Imperial College London.1.2 When We use the words “writing” or “written” in these Terms, this will include e-mail unless We say otherwise.
2.Our contract with you
2.1 These are the terms and conditions on which Imperial College shall deliver the Competition to the Student.
2.2 Please ensure that You and the Student carefully read these Terms, and check that the details on the Application are complete and accurate, before You submit the Application.
2.3 You acknowledge that You and the Student are also subject to Imperial College’s Behaviour and Learning Agreement applicable to the Course (which shall be provided to You when we respond to your Application and which You and the Student have to sign and return to Us before the Student’s place on the Course can be confirmed).
2.4 After submitting an Application, You will receive an email from Us acknowledging receipt of Your Application and (either at the same time or separately) confirming whether You have a Conditional Place Offer or we have rejected your Application.
2.5 If We give You a Conditional Place Offer, we will inform You what conditions you have to fill before Your place can be confirmed, including how to pay the Tuition Fees.
2.6 Receipt of a Conditional Place Offer, fulfilling the condition and paying the Tuition Fees by or on behalf of the Student do not in themselves indicate the existence of a contract between You and Imperial College.
2.7 The contract between You and Imperial College shall only come into being when We have notified You that the Student has a Confirmed Place. Prior to such notification, Imperial College may, in its sole discretion, reject Your Application and cancel the Conditional Place Offer. If it rejects Your Application, it will notify You of this in writing.
2.8 The contract will shall be deemed terminated at the end of the Course, unless the Student’s Confirmed Place is cancelled under Clauses 4 or 5 in which case the contract shall be deemed terminated at that point.
3.Tuition fee and payment
3.1 All payments must be made in GB Pounds Sterling. Any currency conversion costs or other charges incurred in making the payment or in processing a refund shall be borne by You, and shall not be deductible from the Competition Fee due to Imperial College.
4.Your rights to cancel and applicable refund
4.1.1 Your general right to cancel: You have the right to cancel the Student’s Confirmed Place at any time if We are affected by an Event Outside Our Control or if We change these Terms under Clause 9 to Your material disadvantage.
4.1.2 Applicable Refund: Other than in cases where clauses 4.1.1 apply, You will not qualify for a refund of all or any part of the Tuition Fees.
4.2 You and the Student are responsible for the Student complying with all United Kingdom entry and visa requirements and for obtaining the necessary contents to enable the Student’s participation in the First Place Prize. The rejection of a visa or other entry application by the British authorities does not affect these Terms and will not be considered by Imperial College to be exceptional mitigating circumstances.
4.3 Procedure to cancel: Cancellation requests must be made in writing to the Global Summer School Team: STEMathon.india@imperial.ac.uk explaining your reason for requesting the cancellation.
5. Our rights to cancel and applicable refund
5.1 We may have to cancel your Confirmed Place in exceptional circumstances (e.g. if we are not able to make adjustments which you have requested).
5.2 We reserve the right to cancel the Competition (and therefore your Confirmed Place):(a) due to an Event Outside Our Control; or(b) if the Competition fails to meet the minimum recruitment level. We will contact you promptly if this happens.
5.3 If We have to cancel a Course under Clause 5.2 and You have a Confirmed Competition Place, We will refund the Tuition Fee to You. We will not accept liability for any costs or losses incurred by you which are claimed to have arisen through cancellation of the Competition and you are strongly advised to take out insurance against cancellation of the Competition if Your travel costs are likely to be substantial.
5.4 We may cancel this contract at any time with immediate effect by giving you written notice if You breach the contract in any material way and You do not correct or fix the situation within 14 days of asking you to do so in writing.
6.Attendance and conduct
6.1 You shall conduct yourself, or shall ensure that the Student conducts him/herself, appropriately at all times during delivery of the Competition, and in particular in accordance with Imperial College’s Behaviour and Learning Agreement. We reserve the right to exclude the Team from the Competition or take such other action as We deem appropriate if the Student behaves in what We deem to be an unacceptable manner. In such case You will not be entitled to a refund of all or any part of the Tuition Fees.
7.Liability and insurance
7.1 The liability of Imperial College in connection with the Competition, whether arising in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise, will, in all circumstances, be limited (except in cases of liability for death or personal injury caused by Imperial College’s negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation and any other liability which, by law, cannot be limited) to the amount of the Tuition Fees paid by you.
7.2 Imperial College shall not be in breach of this agreement nor liable in the event it has to postpone or cancel the Competition as a result of Events outside our Control.
7.3 Imperial College does not provide insurance for its students. Consequently, Imperial College recommends that You investigate personal insurance coverage.
7.4 You will be responsible for any damage done by the Student (including but not limited to furniture, fixtures, fittings and equipment).
7.5 You will indemnify Imperial College against all claims, losses, damages, actions, proceedings and costs in respect of accident, loss and damage, including personal injuries, however caused, in any part of the building, and for any items brought to the Final Round by the Student.
7.6 Imperial College will not accept any responsibility for any loss of or damage to personal possessions of the Student. You are advised to take out their own insurance for the Student’s personal possessions if travel is required etc.
8.Events outside our control
8.1 We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any or any part, of Our obligations under these Terms that is caused by an Event Outside Our Control.
8.2 An Event Outside Our Control means any act or event beyond Our Reasonable control, including without limitation, strikes, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunication networks.
9. Changes to the terms
9.1 We may revise these Terms, from time to time, where such variation is necessary in order to comply with relevant laws and regulatory requirements.
9.2 If we have to revise these Terms under Clause 5.1, We will give you at least one month’s written notice of any changes to these Terms before they take effect. You can choose to cancel your Place accordance with clause 5.2 (a).
9.3 All reasonable efforts will be made to deliver the Competition as outlined in the Competition Specification and on the website, however Imperial College reserves the right to make reasonable changes to content listed in respect of the Competition, including but not limited to the Competition structure, content, academic or other staff delivering, organising or assessing the Competition, the social programme or the venue(s).
9.4 Whilst Your Conditional Place Offer and Confirmed Competition Place may mention which dates and which stream of the Competition You are enrolled on, We reserve the right to change the stream You are allocated to at any time before or during commencement of the Competition, but will try not to do so in the last 12 weeks before the commencement of the Competition.
9.5 Imperial College reserves the right to change the date(s) and times of the Competition. In such case, Imperial College will give you at least 12 weeks’ written notice prior to the commencement of the Competition.
10.Visual and/or audio recordings
10.1 Unauthorised visual and/or audio recordings of final round activities by Students are prohibited and may be destroyed.
10.2 As organisers of the programme we would like to take photographs of participants and their activities. Photographs and/or digital media may be used in our printed publications and/or on our website, in social media or in future publicity materials and third Party Media may also be invited to take photographs of the activities.
Please be aware of any signage/additional information which will identify where Photography is taking place and if You (or the Student) do not wish to photographed/filmed in the above manner, please email STEMathon.india@imperial.ac.uk, or inform the Competition Manager as soon as possible before the event in order for provisions to be made.
No names or personal details will be published alongside any pictures unless specific permission has been requested and granted from these parties.
You have the right to request that Your image (or that of the Student) be removed from the digital server and from any unprinted/ unpublished publicity material on the web by contacting STEMathon.india@imperial.ac.uk Use and/or access to your photo will be done so in accordance with the College retention schedule.
To find out more regarding data protection and your rights please visit the Data Protection website. Please contact The STEM-a-thon team at any time should you require clarification on this matter:
Email: STEMathon.india@imperial.ac.uk
Telephone: 9876291760
11. How we may use your/the student’s personal information
11.1 The information you provide will be used principally for application, admission and registration purposes prior to participating on the Competition, to deliver the Competition to you and for the administration of Competition activities.
11.2 To find out more about how we collect and use the information you supply please ensure you read our data privacy notice.
12. Governing law
12.1 This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
12.2 All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.
13. Complaints
13.1 If you have any complaints, please contact Us. You can contact Us by telephoning the Competition Manager on 9876291760 or emailing STEMathon.india@imperial.ac.uk